Available now: Vehicle Extrication Techniques training book by Holmatro

7 Feb 2014

The Vehicle Extrication Techniques series has been discontinued.

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Holmatro introduces a brand new 256-page Vehicle Extrication Techniques training book in English. Written by our own Rescue Consultant Ian Dunbar, the book promotes a safe, methodical and casualty centered approach to the extrication of persons following road traffic accidents. Not only does it cover rescue tools and techniques, it also highlights key medical considerations and guides the rescuer through the process of efficient extrication planning. All vehicle extrication techniques described in the book are illustrated by pictures and have QR codes referring to videos on YouTube showing how to perform these procedures.

Languages & availability

The book is available in English as of February 2014. Other language versions will be published later this year and include German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Russian and Arabic. English copies are for sale now through our worldwide dealer network. The recommended retail price of the book is € 14,95 / $ 19,95.

App and posters

Holmatro is also working on an interactive digital version of the new Vehicle Extrication Techniques training material, which will be published as an app for iPads and Android tablets. In addition, there will be a poster series explaining and illustrating various techniques and priciples. Like the book, the app and posters will become available in multiple languages.

Watch the trailer now!