Happy New Year!

2013-01-03 15:09

The new year is often a time for new concepts and fresh ideas. Of course here at Holmatro, we are always thinking of new and innovative ways to share information. For that reason, I have decided to start a blog!

Why a blog you may ask? Well my job allows me to work with rescuers from all over the world and the more I travel the more information and knowledge I collect. I see no point in keeping that information to myself, so a blog is a great way of sharing ideas and opinions regarding rescue equipment and techniques. So over the coming weeks, months and years I will be blogging regularly with the intention of sharing valuable information relating to all types of rescue equipment and situations.

But it wont just be me who writes here, I will be asking people from all over the world to contribute. Experts in the field of technical and medical rescue are lining up to write for this blog. More importantly though, you will have the chance to offer your opinions and also ask questions.

I really do think that the most important thing about knowledge is having the ability to pass it on to others, so people involved in rescue are well informed and best prepared with the right skills and equipment. That is the fundamental reason for starting this page, and while I am happy to 'blog' all day, YOUR input is what really counts. So please follow this blog when you can and also spread the word!


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