Australia - Melbourne

Australia - Melbourne 2018

Rescue Experience Australia

Australians tend to think big! The Rescue Experience down under was a full three days' learning and training event, attended by the members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade in Melbourne.

Theoretical background

The first day of the Rescue Experience was spent on background explanations of various rescue techniques, such as crossramming and inclined cutting.


Rescue Consultant Ronald de Zanger also delivered an in depth presentation on stabilization and shoring, so the firefighters were well prepared for the practical sessions on the following days.


The team was split into two groups and each worked on a different scenario. The first group focused on inclined cutting and the application of various rescue tools.

Hands-on_Rescue Experience Melbourne Australia

Once the scene of a road traffic accident has been assessed, the first step in any extrication is stabilizing the car. The team practised with Holmatro's V-Strut and discovered that a vehicle can be stabilized quickly and safely with just two struts.



The second group went to work with PowerShore. This shoring system consists of different components that can be assembled in a very short time, allowing you to shore pretty much any object. PowerShore also has lifting cylinders, enabling the team to practise several shoring and lifting techniques.

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The groups switched places on the third day, so all team members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade had a chance to gain knowledge and practice their skills in multiple scenarios.